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Maple Flavor 8 fl oz

Price: $7.80
In Stock
Product ID:540
Quantity Pricing
  • 5 - 24
  • $7.02
  • 25+
  • $6.63


ID# 540 [S] Maple Flavoring 8 fl oz

Usual Origin(s)

Blended in USA

Pack Size

Unit: 8 fl oz


1 cup (8 fluid ounces)


Used in general baking and frostings.  Can also be made into maple syrup.  For syrup, blend 2 cups sugar and 1 ½ cups water in saucepan.  Add 1/3 cup light corn syrup and 1 teaspoon maple flavoring.  Heat and stir under well blended, add 1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract.  Shelf life: up to 48 months.  [SPEC ON FILE]

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